Mrs Rosemary Kariuki

Mrs Rosemary Kariuki has over 20 years experience in the teaching of English Language,Literature and ESL.
Her love for teaching starts with provoking student curiosity in the classroom and watching the student blossom as they learn and express themselves with more vigour as they grow.
She has encouraged growth in their worldview by spearheading several student delegations in the EAMUN, World Scholars and Rhino cup programs.
Her appreciation for bird watching has grown her patience, sense of spiritual quiet and beauty which have contributed to her planning, teaching and interaction with the students.
Mrs Kariuki has held various positions of leadership which include Department Head, Sixth Form Co-ordinator and Examinations Officer.
Children are motivated to learn when they have opportunities to make choices in an environment that is enriching and stimulating. Children are curious from infancy and have a desire to learn from their environment and those around them.